// NOTE - the FunctionWizard will add and remove mapping code here.
// DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code!
IMPLEMENT_XLLFN2(OperToStringExample, "RPA", "OperToStringExample"
"", "Arg1,Strict", "Example", "Demonstrates COper::ToString()"
"", "Argument 1\000If True, then do not attempt to"
" convert\000", "\0\0", 1)
extern "C" __declspec( dllexport )
LPXLOPER OperToStringExample(const COper* lpopArg1, BOOL bStrict)
CXlOper xloResult;
// Note that ToString() will assert (interrupting execution)
// if Strict is TRUE and Arg1 is not a string.
// If this happens in the debugger, you can ignore the
// assertion and continue to step through your code.
// In a real application, however, you should correct the bug
// as soon as possible by making sure that Arg1 is a string
// or by turning Strict type-checking off.
xloResult = lpopArg1->ToString(bStrict);
return xloResult.Ret();