Activate | Switches to a window |
 ActivateNext | Switches to the next window or switches to the next sheet in a workbook |
 ActivatePrev | Switches to the previous window or switches to the previous sheet in a workbook |
 ActiveCellFont | Equivalent to formatting individual characters in a cell |
 AddinManager | Adds or removes an add-in from the working set |
 Alignment | Aligns the contents of the selected cells |
 AppMaximize | Maximizes the Microsoft Excel window |
 AppMinimize | Minimizes the Microsoft Excel window |
 AppMove | Moves the Microsoft Excel window |
 AppRestore | Restores the Microsoft Excel window |
 AppSize | Resizes the Microsoft Excel window |
 ApplyStyle | Applies a previously defined style to the current selection |
 Border | Adds a border to the selected cell or range of cells |
 CalculateDocument | Calculates only the active worksheet |
 CalculateNow | Calculates all sheets in all open workbooks |
 CellProtection | Allows you to control cell protection and display |
 Clear | Clears contents, formats, notes, or all of these from the active worksheet |
 Close | Closes the active window |
 CloseAll | Equivalent to choosing the Close All command from the File menu |
 ColumnWidth | Changes the width of the columns in the specified reference |
 Copy | Equivalent to choosing the Copy command from the Edit menu |
 Cut | Equivalent to choosing the Cut command from the Edit menu |
 DataSeries | Equivalent to choosing the Series command from the Fill submenu on the Edit menu |
 DefineName | Defines a name on the active sheet |
 DeleteName | Deletes the specified name |
 EditDelete | Removes the selected cells from the worksheet and shifts other cells to close up the space |
 FileClose | Closes the active workbook |
 FileDelete | Deletes a file from the disk |
 FillAuto | Equivalent to copying cells or automatically filling a selection by dragging the fill selection handle with the mouse |
 FillDown | Copies the contents and formats of the cells in the top row of a selection into the rest of the rows in the selection |
 FillLeft | Copies the contents and formats of the cells in the right column of a selection into the rest of the columns in the selection |
 FillRight | Copies the contents and formats of the cells in the left column of a selection into the rest of the columns in the selection |
 FillUp | Copies the contents and formats of the cells in the bottom row of a selection into the rest of the rows in the selection |
 FillGroup | Copies the contents of the active worksheet's selection to the same area on all other worksheets in the group |
 FontProperties | Equivalent to choosing the Cells command from the Format menu |
 FormatNumber | Equivalent to choosing the Number tab in the Format Cells dialog box |
 FormulaFill | Enters a formula in the range specified or in the current selection |
 FormulaReplace | Finds and replaces characters in cells on your worksheet |
 FullScreen | Equivalent to choosing the Full Screen command from the View menu |
 GoalSeek | Equivalent to choosing the Goal Seek command from the Tools menu |
 Hide | Hides the active window |
 HLine | Scrolls through the active window by a specific number of columns |
 HPage | Scrolls through the active window by a specific number of columns |
 HScroll | Horizontally scrolls through the active sheet by percentage or by column number |
 Insert | Inserts a blank cell or range of cells or pastes cells from the Clipboard into a sheet |
 Justify | Rearranges the text in a range so that it fills the range evenly |
 Links | Returns the names of all workbooks referred to by external references in the workbook specified |
 NewDefaultWorkbook | Creates a new workbook containing the default number of worksheets |
 NewSingleSheetWorkbook | Creates a new workbook containing a single worksheet |
 NewWindow | Creates a new window for the active workbook |
 Note | Creates a note or replaces characters in a note |
 Open | Opens an existing workbook |
 OptionsCalculation | Controls when and how formulas in open workbooks are calculated |
 Paste | Equivalent to choosing the Paste command from the Edit menu |
 PasteSpecial | Equivalent to choosing the Paste Special command from the Edit menu |
 Quit | Quits Microsoft Excel and closes any open documents |
 RowHeight | Changes the height of the rows in a reference |
 Save | Saves the active document |
 SaveAs | Equivalent to choosing the Save As command from the File menu |
 SaveCopyAs | Saves a copy of the current document using a different name but all the current document settings, such as passwords and file protection |
 Select | Equivalent to selecting cells or changing the active cell |
 SelectAll | Equivalent to selecting all the sheets in a workbook |
 ShowActiveCell | Scrolls the active window so the active cell becomes visible |
 StandardWidth | Sets the default width used for all columns in a worksheet |
 SummaryInfo | Generates the summary information for the active workbook |
 Undo | Equivalent to choosing the Undo command from the Edit menu |
 Unhide | Equivalent to choosing the Unhide command from the Window menu |
 VLine | Scrolls through the active window vertically by the number of rows you specify |
 VPage | Vertically scrolls through the active window one window at a time |
 VScroll | Vertically scrolls through the active sheet by percentage or by row number |
 WindowMaximize | Changes the active window from its normal size to full size |
 WindowMinimize | Shrinks a window to an icon |
 WindowMove | Moves the active window so that its upper-left corner is at the specified horizontal and vertical positions |
 WindowRestore | Changes the active window from maximized or minimized size to its previous size |
 WindowSize | Changes the size of the active window by moving its lower-right corner so that the window has the width and height you specify |
 WorkbookActivate | Equivalent to activating a worksheet by clicking on its tab |
 WorkbookCopy | Copies a worksheet from the current workbook to another workbook or to a new position in the current workbook |
 WorkbookDelete | Deletes a sheet or group of sheets from the current workbook |
 WorkbookHide | Hides sheets in the active workbook |
 WorkbookInsert | Inserts one or more new sheets into the current workbook |
 WorkbookMove | Moves a worksheet from the current workbook to another workbook or to a new position in the current workbook |
 WorkbookName | Renames a sheet in a workbook |
 WorkbookNext | Activates the next sheet in the active workbook |
 WorkbookPrev | Activates the previous sheet in the active workbook |
 WorkbookProtect | Renames a sheet in a workbook |
 WorkbookUnhide | Unhides sheets in the active workbook |
 Zoom | Enlarges or reduces a document in the active window |
 ZoomMax | The current selection is enlarged or reduced to completely fill the active window |
 ZoomNormal | The document is restored to normal 100% magnification |