Writes a serialized value to the output stream
CXlOStream& operator <<(
double dval
CXlOStream& operator <<(
short int sval
CXlOStream& operator <<(
unsigned short usval
CXlOStream& operator <<(
int ival
CXlOStream& operator <<(
long lval
CXlOStream& operator <<(
bool bval
CXlOStream& operator <<(
const std::string& strval
CXlOStream& operator <<(
const CString& cstrval
CXlOStream& operator <<(
const char* pszval
CXlOStream& operator <<(
const XLOPER* pxloval
CXlOStream& operator <<(
const OPER* popval
CXlOStream& operator <<(
const XLARRAY* pxlaval
A numeric value which will be written to the output stream.
A numeric value which will be written to the output stream.
A numeric value which will be written to the output stream.
A numeric value which will be written to the output stream.
A numeric value which will be written to the output stream.
A boolean value which will be written to the output stream.
A string value which will be written to the output stream.
A string value which will be written to the output stream.
A string value which will be written to the output stream.
A pointer to an XLOPER structure or CXlOper object which will be written to the output stream.
A pointer to an OPER structure or COper object which will be written to the output stream.
A pointer to an XLARRAY structure or CXlArray object which will be written to the output stream.
Header: xlserialize.h