XLL+ Class Library

CXlRef Methods

The methods of the CXlRef class are listed here.


public methodCXlRefConstructs a CXlRef object

Assignment operators

public methodoperator =Assigns a new value to the XLREF, using a variety of input types


public methodInitInitialise the XLREF contents
public methodSetRefSets the values in the XLREF
public methodNormalizeNormalize the coordinates of the reference
public methodMoveBySets the values in the XLREF


public methodLeftReturns a reference to the leftmost column number of the reference
public methodRightReturns a reference to the rightmost column number of the reference
public methodTopReturns a reference to the top row number of the reference
public methodBottomReturns a reference to the bottom row number of the reference
public methodWidthReturns the number of columns in the reference
public methodHeightReturns the number of rows in the reference
public methodIsSingleIs this a reference to a single cell ?

String Conversion

public methodFromStringReads a string address into the reference
public methodToStringReturns the string address of the reference
public methodColToAConverts a column number to its A1 style column letter(s)
public methodTopLeftToStringConverts the top left corner of the reference to a string address
public methodBottomRightToStringConverts the bottom right corner of the reference to a string address
public methodpublic methodGetRowColumnLettersReturns the letters used for RC style addresses


public methodpublic methodMaxColReturns the maximum legal column number (counting from 0)
public methodpublic methodMaxRowReturns the maximum legal column number (counting from 0)


Header: xllplus.h

See Also

CXlRef Class | xllplus.h | CXlOper object