This project demonstrates how to use the CXlToolbar class to add a toolbar to Excel's main window, and how to remove it again. The bitmaps for the toolbar's buttons are built into the add-in as resources.
CXlToolbar |
CXlToolbar::AddToolbar |
CXlToolbar::ShowToolbar |
CXlToolbar::DeleteToolbar |
CXlToolbar::AddTool |
CXlToolbar::SetToolBitmap |
CXllApp::OnXllOpen |
CXllApp::OnXllClose |
If you are using MS Developer Studio 6, then you should open the project file Toolbar2.dsp.
If you are using MS Visual Studio .NET 2002, then you should open the solution file Toolbar2.sln or the project file Toolbar2.vcproj.
If you are using MS Visual Studio .NET 2003, then you should open the solution file Toolbar271.sln or the project file Toolbar271.vcproj.
If you are using MS Visual Studio 2005, then you should open the solution file Toolbar28.sln or the project file Toolbar28.vcproj.
List of Sample Projects
| Samples and Walkthroughs
| Simple Toolbar
| Dynamic Toolbar