XLL+ Class Library

MtFeed sample


The MtFeed sample is a more powerful and realistic sample application than MtBackground. It provides a real-time data feed via a single add-in function, MtfGet(Topic, Field).

Argument Description
Topic Name of the data set being retrieved, e.g. "IBM"
Field Name of the data field to be extracted from the data set, e.g. "BID", "VOLUME".

The add-in runs a single background thread, which waits for data packets to arrive from a server application, and posts them to the main thread.

Running the sample

The sample files are provided in pre-built form in the Samples/Bin sub-directory. To run a sample, follow these steps:

  1. Start Samples/Bin/MtFeedServer.exe.
  2. In the server application, use the Run button to load and broadcast the file abgx.txt.
  3. Open Samples/Bin/MtFeedAddinGui.xla.
  4. Open Samples/Bin/MtFeedAddinDemo.xls. Observe that the data in the formula fields changes periodically.
  5. Use the options on the MtFeed menu to start and stop the live data, and to change its frequency.
  6. Start a second copy of Excel, and open MtFeedAddinGui.xla and MtFeedAddinDemo.xls. Notice that both applications update simultaneously.

Next: MtFeed server application >>