XLL+ Class Library

Step 2 - Insert AvgOptDataCache

Insert AvgOptDataCache

Add an instance of AvgOptDataCache to the class definition in AvgOpt.h, and include the file that contains the class definition, data_avgopt.h:

#include <xlserialize.h>
#include <xlmenu.h>
#include "data_avgopt.h"

class CAvgOptApp : public CXllApp

// Names
    static LPCSTR m_pszDefName;

// Data
    AvgOptDataCache m_cacheAvgOpt;

// Operations                     
    void ClearCache();            

// Menu
    CXlMenu m_menu;


This declaration creates a single instance of the specialized cache class. We will be adding code to the add-in function later to "wire it up".

Next: Step 3 - Add a worker thread >>