XLL+ Class Library

XLL+ Help Generator


The XLL+ Help Generator can be used to generate all the files of a Microsoft Help Project.

For a project MyAddin, the following files are generated:

MyAddin.hpj Help project file
MyAddin.cnt Help contents file
MyAddin.rtf Rich text file containing descriptions of each add-in function
helpids.h Header file, to be included in the add-in's source file
setuphelp.cpp Contains code to link the add-in to its help file. This code should be included in your add-in's InitInstance() event-handler.
readme_help.txt Instructions for compiling and using the new Help project.


The generator makes use of the following COM libraries:

  1. Microsoft Scripting Runtime (scrrun.dll)
  2. Microsoft Word Object Library version 8.0 or above (msword8.olb/Word 97 or msword9.olb/Word 2000)
  3. Microsoft XML (msxml.dll or msxml3.dll)

The template files "helpstyle.dot" and "readme.tpl" must be located in the same directory as the script file.

Starting the Help Generator

The help generator utility HelpGen.exe can be found in the Bin/HelpGen sub-directory of your XLL+ installation. There is a short-cut to HelpGen in the XLL+ folder of the program menu.

Using the Help Generator

  1. Press Browse... or Add file... to edit the list of Input files. The XLL+ add-in functions contained in each input file will be added to the list of functions to be documented.
  2. Ensure that the Help project name matches that of the XLL.
  3. Amend the Output directory to your preference.
  4. Press OK to generate files. All existing files will be replaced.
  5. Follow the steps detailed in the confirmation dialog. These instructions are also saved to the file readme_help.txt in the output directory.