xldialog.h contains classes that support native Excel dialogs.
The API is modelled as far is as possible on the MFC CDialog class, but with some substantial differences that reflect the more limited functionality of native Excel dialogs.
The main classes in xldialog.h are as follows:
Class | Purpose |
CXlDialog | Dialog object. The developer may choose to inherit their own class from CXlDialog, and override the event handler methods. |
CXlControl | Push-button. Default action is to dismiss the dialog with a result code of TRUE, but the event can be trapped by overriding the OnOK() virtual method. |
Each control on a dialog is of a class descended from CXlControl. The following control types are supported:
Class | Purpose |
CXlControlOK | Push-button. Default action is to dismiss the dialog with a result code of TRUE, but the event can be trapped by overriding the OnOK() virtual method. |
CXlControlCancel | Push-button. Action is always to dismiss the dialog, with a result code of FALSE. |
CXlControlStatic | Static text field. |
CXlControlTextEdit | Text edit field. May contain any text. |
CXlControlIntegerEdit | Integer edit field. An error message is displayed if the user enters anything but an integer. |
CXlControlNumberEdit | Number edit field. An error message is displayed if the user enters anything but an number (integer or floating-point). |
CXlControlFormulaEdit | Formula edit field. The user can enter formula by typing or by selecting cells, as in the Excel formula bar. |
CXlControlRefEdit | Reference edit field. The user can enter an address by typing, or by selecting cells. |
CXlControlOption | Option button. Only one button in a group may be selected at any time. Selecting an option causes the overrideable event handler OnOption() to be called. |
CXlControlOptionGroup | Option button group. This invisible control is used to group together a sequence of option buttons. |
CXlControlCheckBox | Check-box. The user may click on the button to toggle its state between checked and unchecked. Checking a box causes the overrideable event handler OnCheckBox() to be called. |
CXlControlGroupBox | Static group box. |
CXlControlListBox | List box. The control is a single-selection list-box, and its API is modelled on that of the MFC class CListBox. Changing the selection causes the overrideable event handler OnListBox() to be called. |
CXlControlIcon | Icon image. The image may only be one of the three standard message box icons. |