XLL+ Class Library

Global date functions

Global date functions are listed here.


public methodXlSerialToDateTransform an Excel serial date to year, month and day
public methodXlLSerialToDateTransform an integer Excel serial date to year, month and day
public methodXlDateToSerialTransform year, month and day to an Excel serial date
public methodXlDateToLSerialTransform year, month and day to an Excel serial date
public methodXlStringToDateTransform a string to year, month and day
public methodXlStringToSerialTransform a string to a serial date
public methodXlStringToLSerialTransform a string to a serial date
public methodXlTodayGet today's date
public methodXlNowGet the current time
public methodXlWeekdayConvert a date to a day of the week

See Also
