Loads items into the list of value/description pairs
void LoadList( const std::vector<CString>& vlist ); void LoadList( const TCHAR** list, int nPairs ); void LoadList( const TCHAR* text, TCHAR chFieldSep = ',', TCHAR chLineSep = ';' ); |
A set of alternating value/description pairs, in the order
value1, description1, value2, description2, etc
These pairs will be added to the object.
An array of pointers to strings. The array should contain
a set of alternating value/description pairs, in the order
value1, description1, value2, description2, etc
If nPairs is negative, then a NULL pointer should end the list.
If nPairs is positive, then list should contain nPairs * 2
These pairs will be added to the new object.
The number of pairs of values in the list.
If nPairs is negative, then a NULL pointer should end the list.
If nPairs is positive, then list should contain nPairs * 2
A single null-terminated string containing
a set of alternating value/description pairs, in the order
value1, description1, value2, description2, etc
Each value and description should be separated by the character specified as chFieldSep. Each pair should be separated by the character specified as chLineSep.
For example, if chFieldSep is a comma, and chLineSep is a semicolon, then
a suitable text string might be:
"value1,description of value1;value2,description of value2"
The pairs parsed from text will be added to the object.
The character used to separate a value from its description.
The character used to separate a value/description pair from the next pair.
Header: xlwizexui.h
CXlWizExUIListProvider Class | CXlWizExUIListProvider Methods