XLL+ Class Library (7.0)

CXllApp Methods

The methods of the CXllApp class are listed here.


public method CXllApp Constructs a CXllApp object


public method static method Instance Return the single instance of CXllApp


public method GetFnCount Get a count of the add-in functions in the library
public method GetNextFnAssoc Iterate the function map
public method GetNextFnAssocA Iterate the function map
public method GetNextFnAssocW Iterate the function map
public method GetStartFnPosition Get the starting position for iterating the function map

Function list operations

public method AddFn Add a function to the list of functions to be registered
public method AddStaticFns Adds the XLL's functions to the global list of Excel add-in functions to be registered
public method FindFn Find a function in the function list
public method FindFnA Find a function in the function list
public method FindFnW Find a function in the function list
public method GetAllFns Get all functions in the function list
public method GetHideArgumentBoxForNoArgs Get the value of the property that controls the behavior of the Excel Formula Wizard for functions with no arguments
public method PrefixFunctions Add a string prefix to all the library's add-in functions
public method PrefixFunctionsA Add a string prefix to all the library's add-in functions
public method PrefixFunctionsW Add a string prefix to all the library's add-in functions
public method RemoveFn Remove a function from the list of functions to be registered
public method RemoveFnA Remove a function from the list of functions to be registered
public method RemoveFnW Remove a function from the list of functions to be registered
public method SetHideArgumentBoxForNoArgs Set the behavior of the Excel Formula Wizard for functions with no arguments

SDK interface

public method static method CancelUserAbort Cancels pending abort request
public method static method Excel Invoke the Excel SDK
public method static method GetCalculationMode Get Excel's calculation mode
public method static method GetCallerDims Get the dimensions of the range from which this add-in function was called
public method static method GetInternational Returns information about the current country and international settings.
public method static method GetSheetId Get the sheet ID of a named sheet
public method static method GetSheetName Get the name of sheet from its sheet ID
public method static method GetSheetNameA Get the name of sheet from its sheet ID
public method static method GetSheetNameW Get the name of sheet from its sheet ID
public method static method GetUserAbort Returns whether user has aborted operation
public method static method GetXlVersion Return the Excel version number
public method static method IsInFormulaWizard Is Excel currently showing the Formula Wizard ?
public method static method MakeSheetName Combine a workbook and sheet name to [book]sheet format
public method static method SetCalculationMode Set Excel's calculation mode
public method static method SetErrorHandling Switch on or off XLM4 macro error handling
public method static method SplitSheetName Get a workbook and sheet name from [book]sheet format
public method static method WinMessageBox Display the standard Windows message box
public method static method WinMessageBoxA Display the standard Windows message box
public method static method WinMessageBoxW Display the standard Windows message box
public method static method XlGetStackSpace Gets the number of bytes of remaining stack space
public method static method XlGetStackSpace2 Gets the number of bytes of remaining stack space
public method static method XlHwnd Return Excel's application window handle
public method static method XlMessageBox Display the Excel message box
public method static method XlMessageBoxA Display the Excel message box
public method static method XlMessageBoxW Display the Excel message box
public method static method XlVersion Return the Excel version number


public method static method ConvertTypeToError Translates exception types to standard Excel error values
public method static method ErrorToString Convert an error value to a string.
public method static method ErrorToStringA Convert an error value to a string.
public method static method ErrorToStringW Convert an error value to a string.
public method GetColumnPrefix Return the character used for columns in R1C1 format
public method static method GetLibraryVersion Return the XLL+ run-time library version.
public method GetListSeparator Return the character used for separating arguments
public method static method GetNumericToStringConversionMethod Return the value of the NumericToStringConversionMethod flag.
public method GetObserverFunctionName Return the name of the add-in function that observes COM events.
public method GetRibbonCallbackFunctionName Return the name of the add-in function that observes Ribbon events.
public method GetRowPrefix Return the character used for rows in R1C1 format
public method GetRtdAsyncManager Return a pointer to the RTD asynchronous function manager.
public method static method GetVersionInfo Return the version info of the XLL, including version number, copyright and build information.
public method static method GetVersionInfoA Return the version info of the XLL, including version number, copyright and build information.
public method static method GetVersionInfoW Return the version info of the XLL, including version number, copyright and build information.
public method GetXlAsyncManager Return a pointer to the queued function manager.
public method GetXllDir Return the directory containing the XLL.
public method GetXllFileName Return the file name of the XLL.
public method GetXllFileNameOnly Return the file name of the XLL, excluding extension.
public method static method GetXllName Return the full path of the XLL.
public method static method GetXllNameA Return the full path of the XLL.
public method static method GetXllNameW Return the full path of the XLL.
public method static method RetString Return a string value to Excel.
public method static method SetNumericToStringConversionMethod Set the value of the NumericToStringConversionMethod flag.


public method AfterXllOpen Called by the framework when Excel opens the XLL, after all other processing is complete.
public method DisplayException Called by wrapper functions to translate caught exceptions to error messages
public method ExitInstance Called by the framework when the XLL is unloaded from memory
public method GetDllName Called by the framework to get the name of the DLL containing the add-in functions when they are registered
public method GetRegDllName Called by the framework to get the name of the DLL containing the add-in functions when they are registered
public method InitInstance Called by the framework when the XLL is loaded into memory
public method OnXllClose Called by the framework when Excel closes the XLL
public method OnXllLoad Called by the framework when Excel loads the XLL into memory
public method OnXllOpen Called by the framework when Excel opens the XLL
public method OnXllOpenEx Called by the framework when Excel opens the XLL. Programmer can return FALSE to halt further loading of the XLL.
public method OnXllRegister Called by the framework when the add-in is registered with the Excel Add-in Manager
public method OnXllRegisterEx Called by the framework when the add-in is registered with the Excel Add-in Manager
public method OnXllUnload Called by the framework when Excel unloads the XLL
public method OnXllUnregister Called by the framework when the add-in is removed from the list of add-ins with the Excel Add-in Manager
public method ReportRegistrationFailures Called by the framework to report any add-in functions that fail to register during initialization

COM support

public method GetApplicationDispatch Returns a dispatch pointer to the Excel Application object
public method GetCom Returns a dispatch pointer to the COM interface instance
public method GetUseAutomation Returns the value of the UseAutomation attribute
public method SetUseAutomation Returns the value of the UseAutomation attribute

COM event management

public method GetComEventHandler Returns the name of an add-in function to handle a specific COM event
public method GetSinkEvents Returns the state of the COM event handler
public method SetComEventHandler Sets the name of an add-in function to handle a specific COM event
public method SetSinkEvents Sets the SinkEvents flag to switch COM event handling on or off

COM event handlers

public method OnAfterCalculate Called by the framework just after calculation is completed
public method OnNewWorkbook Called by the framework when Excel creates a new workbook
public method OnSheetActivate Called by the framework when the user activates a worksheet
public method OnSheetBeforeDoubleClick Called by the framework when the user double-clicks in a worksheet
public method OnSheetBeforeRightClick Called by the framework when the user right-clicks in a worksheet
public method OnSheetCalculate Called by the framework when any worksheet is recalculated
public method OnSheetChange Called by the framework when the user changes the contents of a cell
public method OnSheetDeactivate Called by the framework when the user deactivates a worksheet
public method OnSheetSelectionChange Called by the framework when the user changes the selection
public method OnWorkbookActivate Called by the framework when a workbook is activated
public method OnWorkbookAddinInstall Called by the framework when an addin is installed
public method OnWorkbookAddinUninstall Called by the framework when an addin is uninstalled
public method OnWorkbookAfterSave Called by the framework just after a workbook is saved
public method OnWorkbookBeforeClose Called by the framework just before a workbook is closed
public method OnWorkbookBeforePrint Called by the framework just before a workbook is printed
public method OnWorkbookBeforeSave Called by the framework just before a workbook is saved
public method OnWorkbookDeactivate Called by the framework when a workbook is deactivated
public method OnWorkbookNewSheet Called by the framework when a new sheet is added to a workbook
public method OnWorkbookOpen Called by the framework when a workbook is opened

BinaryName support

public method static method ClearBinaryName Clear a binary name from a worksheet
public method static method ClearBinaryNameA Clear a binary name from a worksheet
public method static method ClearBinaryNameW Clear a binary name from a worksheet
public method static method DefineBinaryName Define a binary name in a worksheet and assign a block of data to it
public method static method DefineBinaryNameA Define a binary name in a worksheet and assign a block of data to it
public method static method DefineBinaryNameW Define a binary name in a worksheet and assign a block of data to it
public method static method GetBinaryName Retrieve a binary name from a worksheet
public method static method GetBinaryNameA Retrieve a binary name from a worksheet
public method static method GetBinaryNameW Retrieve a binary name from a worksheet


public method AfterCalculateEvent Gets a reference to the AfterCalculate event
public method BeforeDoubleClickEvent Gets a reference to the BeforeDoubleClick event
public method BeforeRightClickEvent Gets a reference to the BeforeRightClick event
public method CalculateEvent Gets a reference to the Calculate event
public method NewWorkbookEvent Gets a reference to the NewWorkbook event
public method RegisterFunctionsEvent Gets a reference to the RegisterFunctions event
public method SelectionChangeEvent Gets a reference to the SelectionChange event
public method SheetActivateEvent Gets a reference to the SheetActivate event
public method SheetChangeEvent Gets a reference to the SheetChange event
public method SheetDeactivateEvent Gets a reference to the SheetDeactivate event
public method WorkbookActivateEvent Gets a reference to the WorkbookActivate event
public method WorkbookAfterSaveEvent Gets a reference to the WorkbookAfterSave event
public method WorkbookBeforeCloseEvent Gets a reference to the WorkbookBeforeClose event
public method WorkbookBeforeSaveEvent Gets a reference to the WorkbookBeforeSave event
public method WorkbookDeactivateEvent Gets a reference to the WorkbookDeactivate event
public method WorkbookNewSheetEvent Gets a reference to the WorkbookNewSheet event
public method WorkbookOpenEvent Gets a reference to the WorkbookOpen event
public method XllCloseEvent Gets a reference to the XllClose event
public method XllOpenEvent Gets a reference to the XllOpen event

Common Language Runtime support

public method static method ClrExceptionToText Converts a CLR Exception to an error message.
public method static method GetApplicationObject Returns a .NET object containing a handle to the Excel.Application COM object.
public method GetPrivateBinPath Gets the private path used by the .NET Assembly loader.
public method SetPrivateBinPath Sets the private path used by the .NET Assembly loader.

Ribbon support

public method GetHasRibbon Returns whether the application has a ribbon
public method InitializeRibbon Requests the ribbon manager to intialize the ribbon controls for this add-in
public method InvalidateRibbon Requests the ribbon manager to invalidate the ribbon controls for all add-ins using the ribbon manager
public method InvalidateRibbonControl Requests the ribbon manager to invalidate a single ribbon control owned by this add-in
public method InvalidateRibbonForAddin Requests the ribbon manager to invalidate the ribbon controls for this add-in
public method OnRibbonEvent Called by the framework when a ribbon event occurs.
public method SetHasRibbon Sets whether the application has a ribbon
public method SetRibbonImplementation Sets the implementation used by the application to support a ribbon
public method SupportsRibbon Returns whether the container application can support a ribbon
public method TerminateRibbon Requests the ribbon manager to terminate the ribbon controls for this add-in


Header: xllplus.h

See Also

CXllApp Class | xllplus.h | CXllFn object