XLL+ Class Library (7.0)

RibbonCallbackTypes Enumeration

The various types of callback that can raise a ribbon event.

enum RibbonCallbackTypes


RIBBONCALLBACK_ONACTION 1 The user has clicked a button or a menu or has selected an item from a gallery or dropdown.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETDESCRIPTION 2 The ribbon is asking for the description of a control.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETENABLED 3 The ribbon is asking for the enabled state of a control.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETIMAGE 4 The ribbon is asking for the ID or file name of an image to be displayed by a control.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETIMAGEMSO 5 The ribbon is asking for the ID of a standard Office image to be displayed by a control.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETLABEL 6 The ribbon is asking for the label of a control.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETKEYTIP 7 The ribbon is asking for the keytip of a control.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETSIZE 8 The ribbon is asking for the size of a control.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETSCREENTIP 9 The ribbon is asking for the screentip of a control.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETSUPERTIP 10 The ribbon is asking for the supertip of a control.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETVISIBLE 11 The ribbon is asking whether a control is currently visible.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETSHOWIMAGE 12 The ribbon is asking whether the image of a control should be shown.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETSHOWLABEL 13 The ribbon is asking whether the label of a control should be shown.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETPRESSED 14 The ribbon is asking for the pressed state of a control.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETITEMCOUNT 15 The ribbon is asking how many items are contained within a control.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETITEMHEIGHT 16 The ribbon is asking for the height of all the items within a control.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETITEMID 17 The ribbon is asking for the id of the item whose index is passed.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETITEMIMAGE 18 The ribbon is asking for the image id or file name for the item whose index is passed.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETITEMLABEL 19 The ribbon is asking for the label of the item whose index is passed.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETITEMSCREENTIP 20 The ribbon is asking for the screen tip of the item whose index is passed.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETITEMSUPERTIP 21 The ribbon is asking for the supertip of the item whose index is passed.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETITEMWIDTH 22 The ribbon is asking for the width of the item whose index is passed.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETTEXT 23 The ribbon is asking for the current text of the control.
RIBBONCALLBACK_ONCHANGE 24 The ribbon is notifying the add-in that a text field has been changed by the user.
RIBBONCALLBACK_LOADIMAGE 25 The ribbon is asking for the screen tip of the item whose index is passed. This callback is never passed on to CXllApp::OnRibbonEvent().
RIBBONCALLBACK_ONLOAD 26 The ribbon is notifying the add-in that the ribbon controls have been loaded. This callback is never passed on to CXllApp::OnRibbonEvent().
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETSELECTEDITEMID 27 The ribbon is asking for the id of the currently selected item of a control.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETSELECTEDITEMINDEX 28 The ribbon is asking for the index of the currently selected item of a control.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETCONTENT 29 The ribbon is asking for the current content of a dynamic menu.
RIBBONCALLBACK_GETTITLE 30 The ribbon is asking for the title of a menu separator.


Header: xlpribbon.h

See Also

xlpribbon.h | CXllApp::OnRibbonEvent | The Ribbon (User Guide) | Ribbon reference