XLL+ Class Library (7.0)

XLL Wrapper Generator Schema

This schema defines the contents of an XLL+ Wrapper Generator information file. The root node of the schema is the XllWrapper element.

Read the XLL Wrapper Generator User Guide for more information on XLL+ help files.


Element Description
Argument An Argument element is an optional element which controls the wrapping of a single named argument.
Client The Client element controls the generation of code for a single client type (COM or VBA).
Clients The Clients element should contain one or more Client elements. Each Client element will be transformed to a wrapper class designed for the specified client type.
ErrorPrefix Each ErrorPrefix element should contain a text string. If an add-in function returns a string value which starts with the specified text string, then an exception will be raised, using the remainder of the string value (after the prefix has been removed) as the error message.
ErrorPrefixes The ErrorPrefixes element may contain one or more ErrorPrefix elements.
Function A Function element will modify the code generation for a single wrapper method.
Functions The Functions element should contain zero or more Function elements. Each Function element will modify the code generation for a single wrapper method.
XllWrapper XllWrapper is the root element of an information file.