XLL+ Class Library (7.0)

Hidden regions

From XLL+ version 6.3, the XLL+ supports the use of hidden regions to hide the implementation code that is rarely, if ever, of interest to the developer.

#pragma region

Blocks demarcated by #pragma region [Label] and #pragma endregion can be hidden in Visual Studio 2005 and above.

// Function:    DF_SET 
// Purpose:     Publishes a single value to the data feed 
    // NOTE - the FunctionWizard will add and remove mapping code here. 
    //    DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code! 
#pragma region DF_SET support code

    L"Security,Property,Value", 0, L"10", 0, L"Publishes a single value to the"
    L" data feed", 0, L"is the code for the security\0is the name or numeric i"

    ... More code ...

CXlWizExUIArgumentListCreator xweuialc__DF_SET__1(L"DF_SET", 1, L"X,dummy valu"
    L"e", L',', L';');

#pragma endregion
CXlOper* DF_SET_Impl(CXlOper& xloResult, const CXlStringArg& Security, const 
    CXlStringArg& Property, const CXlStringArg& Value)
    // End of generated code 

    ... Your code ...

Only the label after the #pragma region will be visible when the code block is hidden.

Controlling visibility

Use the small + or - symbol just in the left margin to expand or collapse the region.

By default, the XLL+ Function Wizard will collapse any collapsible regions when it generates a new function, and will preserve the current expanded/collapsed state of an existing function when the code is regenerated.

You can use the CollapseAllSections setting in XLL+ Options to control this behavior.

You can also use the Collapse All Hidden Regions command on the XLL Add-ins window's Tools menu to hide the hidden region of all add-in functions in the current file.

Next: Security settings >>