XLL+ Class Library


Get the dimensions of the range from which this add-in function was called

static BOOL GetCallerDims(
   USHORT usRows,
   USHORT usColumns



If the function succeeds this will be set to the number of rows in the range from which this function was called.


If the function succeeds this will be set to the number of columns in the range from which this function was called.

Return value

Returns TRUE if the function was called from a cell range, and sets the values of usRows and usColumns. Returns FALSE if the function was called from a macro.


Since this function is static, it is not necessary to use an instance of CXllApp to invoke it. It is not therefore necessary to fix the MFC CWinApp instance using the XLL_FIX_STATE macro: you can use code such as:

CXllApp::GetCallerDims(usRows, usColumns);


CXlOper::GetCallerDims() Example


Header: xllplus.h

See Also

CXllApp Class | CXllApp Methods | CXlOper::GetCaller | CXlOper::GetDims