XLL+ Class Library

CXllApp Methods

The methods of the CXllApp class are listed here.


public methodCXllAppConstructs a CXllApp object


public methodGetFnCountGet a count of the add-in functions in the library
public methodGetStartFnPositionGet the starting position for iterating the function map
public methodGetNextFnAssocIterate the function map

Function list operations

public methodAddFnAdd a function to the list of functions to be registered
public methodFindFnFind a function in the function list
public methodRemoveFnRemove a function from the list of functions to be registered
public methodAddStaticFnsRegister the XLL's functions as Excel add-in functions
public methodPrefixFunctionsAdd a string prefix to all the library's add-in functions

SDK interface

public methodpublic methodXlVersionReturn the Excel version number
public methodpublic methodXlHwndReturn Excel's application window handle
public methodpublic methodGetCallerDimsGet the dimensions of the range from which this add-in function was called
public methodpublic methodXlGetStackSpaceGets the number of bytes of remaining stack space
public methodpublic methodXlMessageBoxDisplay the Excel message box
public methodpublic methodWinMessageBoxDisplay the standard Windows message box
public methodpublic methodIsInFormulaWizardIs Excel currently showing the Formula Wizard ?
public methodpublic methodExcelInvoke the Excel SDK
public methodpublic methodSetErrorHandlingSwitch on or off XLM4 macro error handling
public methodpublic methodGetSheetIdGet the sheet ID of a named sheet
public methodpublic methodMakeSheetNameCombine a workbook and sheet name to [book]sheet format
public methodpublic methodSplitSheetNameGet a workbook and sheet name from [book]sheet format
public methodpublic methodGetSheetNameGet the name of sheet from its sheet ID
public methodpublic methodGetCalculationModeGet Excel's calculation mode
public methodpublic methodSetCalculationModeSet Excel's calculation mode
public methodpublic methodGetUserAbortReturns whether user has aborted operation
public methodpublic methodCancelUserAbortCancels pending abort request
public methodpublic methodGetInternationalReturns information about the current country and international settings.


public methodpublic methodGetVersionInfoReturn the version info of the XLL, including version number, copyright and build information.
public methodpublic methodGetXllNameReturn the full path of the XLL.
public methodpublic methodRetStringReturn a string value to Excel.
public methodpublic methodErrorToStringConvert an error value to a string.


public methodOnXllOpenCalled by the framework when Excel opens the XLL
public methodOnXllOpenExCalled by the framework when Excel opens the XLL. Programmer can return FALSE to halt further loading of the XLL.
public methodOnXllCloseCalled by the framework when Excel closes the XLL
public methodOnXllLoadCalled by the framework when Excel loads the XLL into memory
public methodOnXllUnloadCalled by the framework when Excel unloads the XLL
public methodOnXllRegisterCalled by the framework when the add-in is registered with the Excel Add-in Manager
public methodOnXllUnregisterCalled by the framework when the add-in is removed from the list of add-ins with the Excel Add-in Manager
public methodGetRegDllNameCalled by the framework to get the name of the DLL containing the add-in functions when they are registered

COM event management

public methodGetSinkEventsReturns the state of the COM event handler
public methodSetSinkEventsSets the SinkEvents flag to switch COM event handling on or off
public methodGetComEventHandlerReturns the name of an add-in function to handle a specific COM event
public methodSetComEventHandlerSets the name of an add-in function to handle a specific COM event

COM event handlers

public methodOnNewWorkbookCalled by the framework when Excel creates a new workbook
public methodOnSheetSelectionChangeCalled by the framework when the user changes the selection
public methodOnSheetBeforeDoubleClickCalled by the framework when the user double-clicks in a worksheet
public methodOnSheetBeforeRightClickCalled by the framework when the user right-clicks in a worksheet
public methodOnSheetActivateCalled by the framework when the user activates a worksheet
public methodOnSheetDeactivateCalled by the framework when the user deactivates a worksheet
public methodOnSheetCalculateCalled by the framework when any worksheet is recalculated
public methodOnSheetChangeCalled by the framework when the user changes the contents of a cell
public methodOnWorkbookOpenCalled by the framework when a workbook is opened
public methodOnWorkbookActivateCalled by the framework when a workbook is activated
public methodOnWorkbookDeactivateCalled by the framework when a workbook is deactivated
public methodOnWorkbookBeforeCloseCalled by the framework just before a workbook is closed
public methodOnWorkbookBeforeSaveCalled by the framework just before a workbook is saved
public methodOnWorkbookNewSheetCalled by the framework when a new sheet is added to a workbook

BinaryName support

public methodpublic methodDefineBinaryNameDefine a binary name in a worksheet and assign a block of data to it
public methodpublic methodClearBinaryNameClear a binary name from a worksheet
public methodpublic methodGetBinaryNameRetrieve a binary name from a worksheet


Header: xllplus.h

See Also

CXllApp Class | xllplus.h | CXllFn object