XLL+ Class Library


Sets the name of an add-in function to handle a specific COM event

void SetComEventHandler(
   int nEvent,
   const char* pszMacroName



An integer representing the event to be handled. See Remarks below for a list of values.


The name of the macro function that will be called when the event occurs. The parameter should be set to NULL or an empty string to switch off event handling for this event.


This function sets the name of an add-in function that will be called whenever the specified COM event occurs.

If it is set to the name of an add-in function with the appproriate signature, the function will be called. If the function name is set to an empty string then no special error handling will occur.

Note: COM event handlers will not be called unless the SinkEvents flag has been set to TRUE, using CXllApp::SetSinkEvents(TRUE).

Add-in functions for event handling

The table below describes the events and the signatures of the functions that handle them. You can find a set of example functions with the correct signatures in the ComEvents sample.

Event Return value Argument 1 Argument 2
NewWorkbook (ignored) const char* WorkbookName  
SheetSelectionChange (ignored) const char* WorksheetName const char* Range
SheetBeforeDoubleClick BOOL Cancel const char* WorksheetName const char* Range
SheetBeforeRightClick BOOL Cancel const char* WorksheetName const char* Range
SheetActivate (ignored) const char* WorksheetName  
SheetDeactivate (ignored) const char* WorksheetName  
SheetCalculate (ignored) const char* WorksheetName  
SheetChange (ignored) const char* WorksheetName const char* Range
WorkbookOpen (ignored) const char* WorkbookName  
WorkbookActivate (ignored) const char* WorkbookName  
WorkbookDeactivate (ignored) const char* WorkbookName  
WorkbookBeforeClose BOOL Cancel const char* WorkbookName  
WorkbookBeforeSave BOOL Cancel const char* WorkbookName BOOL bSaveAsUI
WorkbookNewSheet {ignored) const char* WorkbookName const char* WorksheetName

The following restrictions and notes also apply to event handler callback functions:

Macro functions
Event handler call-back functions must be marked as Macro functions in the XLL+ Function Wizard.
The WorksheetName argument will always be in the form [Book1]Sheet1. You can split into it's constituent parts with the CXllApp::SplitSheetName() method.
BOOL Cancel
Some of these handlers are expected to return a BOOL result, which tells Excel whether to carry on processing the event. You should normally return FALSE, and only return TRUE if you wish to disable further standard event handling.
The event handler will not be called unless COM event handling has been switched on using CXllApp::SetSinkEvents(TRUE).

For more details about these events, see Excel Help for the events of the Application object.


Header: xllplus.h

See Also

CXllApp Class | CXllApp Methods | CXllApp::GetComEventHandler() | CXllApp::SetSinkEvents() | ComEvents sample