Call an add-in function directly, and store the result
LPXLOPER lpxlopResult
The return value of an add-in function.
This function can be used to call an add-in function directly from another add-in function.
The result of the call will be placed in the calling CXlOper instance.
For example:
extern "C" __declspec( dllexport )
LPXLOPER BsTheta(double Spot, BOOL Put, const COper* Div, double
Borrow, double ImpVol, double Strike, long ValueDate, long
Maturity, double RiskFree, short DayCount)
CXlOper xloResult;
// Call the array version of the function
CXlOper xloCalc;
xloCalc.CallAddin(BsCalc(Spot, Put, Div, Borrow, ImpVol, Strike,
ValueDate, Maturity, RiskFree, DayCount));
// Extract a cell from the array
if (xloCalc.IsArray())
xloResult = xloCalc.Cell(6, 1);
xloResult = xloCalc;
return xloResult.Ret();
See the SimpOpt sample for an example of the method in use.
This is the recommended way to call add-in functions directly.
Any other method (such as simply copying the return value) may result in memory leaks.
Header: xllplus.h
CXlOper Class
| CXlOper Methods
| CXlOper::Ret()
| CXlOper::Excel()