The methods of the CXlOper class are listed here.
Init | Initialise the CXlOper contents |
Clear | Reclaim resources from CXlOper |
Compare | Compare the contents of this CXlOper with another |
operator == | Compare the contents of this CXlOper with another |
operator != | Compare the contents of this CXlOper with another |
operator < | Compare the contents of this CXlOper with another |
operator <= | Compare the contents of this CXlOper with another |
operator > | Compare the contents of this CXlOper with another |
operator >= | Compare the contents of this CXlOper with another |
Type inspection
IsArray | Does the CXlOper contain an array? |
IsDouble | Does the CXlOper contain a double-precision floating point number? |
IsError | Does the CXlOper contain an error? |
IsBool | Does the CXlOper contain a boolean? |
IsString | Does the CXlOper contain a string? |
IsInt | Does the CXlOper contain an integer? |
IsEmpty | Is the CXlOper empty? |
IsMissing | Is the CXlOper missing (i.e. omitted from the caller's argument list)? |
IsSRef | Does the CXlOper contain a single reference? |
IsMRef | Does the CXlOper contain a multiple reference? |
IsRef | Does the CXlOper contain a reference? |
Assignment operators
operator = | Assigns a new value to the CXlOper, using a variety of input types |
Output casting operators
Input functions
FromDouble | Assigns an floating-point numeric value and data type to the CXlOper |
FromError | Assigns an error value and data type to the CXlOper |
FromBool | Assigns a boolean value and data type to the CXlOper |
FromString | Assigns a string value and data type to the CXlOper |
FromSRef | Assigns a single range reference to the CXlOper |
FromMRef | Assigns multiple range references to the CXlOper |
FromDoubleArray | Assigns the CXlOper to be an array of double's, and copies values into the array |
FromMatrix | Assigns a 2-dimensional array of numbers, booleans or strings to the CXlOper |
FromVector | Assigns a 1-dimensional array of numbers, booleans or strings to the CXlOper |
FromNumericVector | Assigns a 1-dimensional array of numbers to the CXlOper |
FromInt | Assigns a single integer to the CXlOper |
Output functions
ToDouble | Retrieves a numeric value from the CXlOper |
ToString | Returns a string value |
ToBool | Returns a boolean value |
ToInt | Returns an integer value |
ToXLREF | Retrieves a single range reference from a CXlOper |
ToSRef | Retrieves/sets a single range reference from a CXlOper |
Array functions
GetWidth | Returns the number of columns in an array |
GetHeight | Returns the number of rows in an array |
GetDims | Gets the number of rows and columns in an array |
GetCount | Returns the number of cells in an array |
Cell | Returns a reference to an item in an array |
IsVector | Returns TRUE if the CXlOper contains 1 row and/or 1 column |
GetVectorCount | Returns the number of cells in an array |
VectorCell | Returns a reference to an item in a one-dimensional array |
AllocArray | Assigns the CXlOper to be an array, sets it to a size and allocates the memory to contain its items |
FreeArray | Releases the resources of an array's items |
Matrix & vector functions
ReadVector | Reads a row or a column from an array into a vector of numbers or strings |
ReadMatrix | Reads data from a 2-dimensional array into a matrix of numbers or strings |
Reference functions
GetSheetId | Returns the SheetId of a CXlOper containing a reference |
GetSheetName | Returns the SheetName of a CXlOper containing a reference |
GetRefCount | Returns the number of references in a multiple reference |
GetRefItem | Returns a reference to one of the single references in a multiple reference |
GetXLREFItem | Returns a reference to one of the single references in a multiple reference |
GetRef | Returns a reference to the first (or only) single reference in a single or multiple range reference |
MakeRef | Creates a reference from an address |
MakeRefIntl | Creates a reference from an address in English |
GetActiveCell | Creates a reference to the active cell |
SetActiveCell | Sets the active cell to be the cell referred to by this CXlOper |
SDK interface
Excel | Invoke the Excel SDK |
GetCaller | Retrieve a reference to the cell or cells that called the add-in function |
Coerce | Convert an Excel range into an array of values, forcing a recalculation if necessary |
ChangeType | Convert a CXlOper from one data type to another |
SetValue | Set the value of the referenced cells |
GetLongString | Read a long string (of up to 1024 characters) from a single cell |
GetFormula | Get the formula in the referenced cell, in local format |
SetFormula | Set the formula of the referenced cell, in local format |
SetLongFormula | Set the formula of the referenced cell, in local format, for formulae of more than 255 characters |
ConvertFormula | Convert a formula between A1 and RC formats, using local language settings |
GetFormulaIntl | Get the formula in the referenced cell, in English |
SetFormulaIntl | Set the formula of the referenced cell, in English |
SetLongFormulaIntl | Set the formula of the referenced cell, in English, for formulae of more than 255 characters |
ConvertFormulaIntl | Convert a formula between A1 and RC formats, using English language settings |
Format | Fill the CXlOper with a formatted string (like sprintf() and CString::Format()) |
Return handlers
Ret | Prepares a CXlOper to be returned as a value to Excel |
 RetError | Returns an error value to Excel |
 RetString | Returns a string value to Excel |
CallAddin | Call an add-in function directly, and store the result |
 RetVal | Returns a pointer to Excel's return value |
Header: xllplus.h
See Also
CXlOper Class |
| COper object