Planatech supplies development tools for programmers. We specialise in products that help with interfaces between different languages and between different technologies. The products listed here are supported globally and are used by major financial institutions in all the world's leading financial centres.
XLL Plus
The XLL Plus Development Library is a toolkit that provides development tools and C++ class libraries that make it easy to generate Excel Add-in functions from your C and C++ code.
XLL+ lets you create XLL add-ins for Excel, written completely in C++. There is no need to write or to maintain any Visual Basic code at all.
Add-ins written in C++ perform faster than those written in VB. VB-authored add-ins often knock Excel over when they conflict with DDE updates. Add-ins written in C++ do not.
Writing add-in libraries using the Microsoft Excel SDK is difficult and tedious. XLL+ makes it easy. The XLL+ toolkit creates and maintains all the code that links your add-in functions to Excel. If you've got libraries written in C or C++, you can have the Excel add-in version up and running in half an hour, with features like error-handling and caching built-in right away.
XLL+ functions can automatically cache their results, providing orders-of-magnitude performance gains over VB-authored functions.
Click here for more information.
XLL Host
XLL Host is an administration and management tool for managing .xll addins on servers.
XLL Host is intended for use where functionality contained in an Excel binary add-in (XLL) file is required by another application, on a platform where EXCEL itself cannot be used. The library exposes the add-in functions of the XLL as the methods of a .NET object.
You can find out more here.
SciIntegratorTM, co-developed with SciComp Inc., automates the process of generating Microsoft Excel, Java, .Net, COM or Python wrapper code, for derivative pricing models built in C-family source code, using SciFinance®.

SciFinance® is SciComp's ground-breaking software for building derivative pricing models.
You can find out more here.
Language Engine
We provide products and services based on the Planatech Language Engine technology.
You can find out more here.