Called by the framework when a new sheet is added to a workbook
virtual void OnWorkbookNewSheet(
LPDISPATCH dispWorkbook,
LPDISPATCH dispWorksheet
Pointer to dispatch interface of type Excel.Workbook.
Pointer to dispatch interface of type Excel.Worksheet, the newly added worksheet.
This function is called when a new sheet is added to a workbook. Note that it will only be called if event-sinking is switched on
(using CXllApp::SetSinkEvents()). You can override the method in your application class
to react to the event.
The default method does nothing.
You should only implement this function if you need access to Excel's COM interfaces.
If you just want to call an add-in function, use the much simpler mechanism
provided by CXllApp::SetComEventHandler().
Header: xllplus.h
CXllApp Class
| CXllApp Methods
| CXllApp::OnSheetActivate()
| CXllApp::OnSheetDeactivate()