XLL+ Class Library

XLL+ License Types

XLL+ licenses come in three flavours, as described below. The type of license in use is specified in the registry under the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Planatech\XllPlus\4.2\License\LicenseType.


These licenses are contained in text files on the machine on which the software is being used.



These licenses are contained in text files on a server machine. Any machine on the same network can make use of the licenses on the server, but only one user can use a given license at one time. As soon as a user on one machine stops using a development tool, the license becomes available for use by users on any other machine on the network.



Demo licenses are provided free of charge for a 30-day period.


See Also

XLL+ Licenses | XLL+ License Files | XLL+ License Strings | XLL+ Floating Licenses | XLL+ Demo Licenses